Work Packages
WP1: Management and Coordination
WP2: Training and Mobility (all ESRs involved)
WP3: Dissemination, Standardisation, Exploitation, IPR, and Data Management (all ESRs involved)
WP4: Analysis of Privacy Risks. The goal of this research WP is to conduct research beyond the state of the art on methods for privacy sensitivity assessment of upcoming and established biometric modalities and for the analysis of privacy risks of cloud storage and processing and other activities on the internet. ESR projects 1-4 involve technical research aiming at the assessment of privacy risks. ESR project 5 considers legal aspects of privacy risks.
WP5: Privacy Protection. Based on the analyses of WP4, the goal of this WP is to develop methods to mitigate privacy risks, including prevention of unwanted biometric recognition, protection of biometric data, and the use of blockchain technology in self-sovereign identity management. ESR projects 6-9 aim at solutions to known privacy risks, whereas ESR project 10, and even more so ESR project 11 aim at the design of systems and software compliant to privacy protection regulations and directives.
WP6: Impact Assessment of Privacy Protection. The best privacy protection will be ineffective if not accepted by users and society and not applied in daily life. Therefore, the goals of this work package are to assess the impact and viability of privacy protection technologies such as developed in WP5 and to ascertain how they have to be refined to improve the user’s and societal acceptance without undermined social rules of communication. (ESRs 12-14 involved)
A full description of the action can be found here.