Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
NTNU is Norway's largest university for educating the future's engineers and scientists with its cross-disciplinary researches delivering creative innovations that have farreaching social and economic impact and help contribute to a better world. The Norwegian Information Security Laboratory (NISlab) at the Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology of NTNU has since its establishment in 2002 been leading and involved in several EU FP7 and H2020 research projects in the fields of biometrics, privacy enhancing technologies, forensics, and information security in general. The Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory (NBL) affiliated to NISlab is a dedicated research group to biometrics technologies. The NBL currently has 11 faculty members (including 4 postdoctoral researchers) and 12 PhD students working on biometrics in various modalities. NBL has been an active partner in EU’s biometrics research. In addition, NBL is involved in several Norwegian Research Council projects on health and medical biometrics (2013-2015) and US’s NIST funded projects on biometrics privacy assessment (2011-2012). NBL is also an active participant to represent Standards Norway in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27/SC37 and CEN/TC 224.